Is the tail wagging the dog? |
Did you know that the obesity problem in Australia is as prevalent in our best friend? 54{ae0be3e9bbdf47d00c7a6111af8a8d9a585f359df5c6ad527bd2a4eb9271df2b} Australian adult humans are either overweight or obese and 7.4 million Australians over 18 years of age. Concurrently 33.5{ae0be3e9bbdf47d00c7a6111af8a8d9a585f359df5c6ad527bd2a4eb9271df2b} of dogs are overweight and 7.6{ae0be3e9bbdf47d00c7a6111af8a8d9a585f359df5c6ad527bd2a4eb9271df2b} obese and 30{ae0be3e9bbdf47d00c7a6111af8a8d9a585f359df5c6ad527bd2a4eb9271df2b} of cats are overweight or obese. This is an important challenge to the veterinary practice to improve the quality of life of these animals. n n What can we do about this problem? n n Physiotherapists are a valuable resource and play as much of an important role in the veterinary profession to help alleviate this problem. Dogs experience the same secondary complications due to being overweight (including joint problems and arthritis, onset of diabetes mellitus, back and disc problems, ligament problems (CrCL), hypertension, heart disease, cancers, pancreatitis, hypothyroidism, renal disease, increased surgical and anaesthetic risk and skin allergies). n n Prevention and early recognition (from a puppy) is important with the right advice about appropriate exercises to do with their puppy prior to being skeletally mature (much like the paediatric physiotherapist working with young athletes and school children). A multifaceted approach is essential other than to discuss nutritional and behavioural modification. Physiotherapy should also be recommended to provide a controlled, individual supervised exercise program and advice. Obviously it is important to treat any underlying condition that might also be a limiting factor in making exercise easier and to reduce pain. n n Chauvet et al. 2011 discussed the issue that limited information existed for dogs regarding physical activity to improve weight loss. A 3 month weight-loss program demonstrated the potential benefit of including an organised exercise regimen, utilising an underwater treadmill, in conventional canine weight management programs. Many veterinary specialist clinics and canine hydrotherapy centres around Australia have this valuable tool in their practice. n n As a dog is man’s best friend, owning a dog can improve our health also. n n Another study showed (Westgarth et al, 2012) that pregnant women who had dogs were more active, through walking, than those who did not own dogs. As walking is a low-risk exercise, participation of pregnant women in dog walking activities may be a useful context to investigate as part of a broader strategy to improve activity levels in pregnant women and obesity. n n Ruzic et al, 2012 also concluded that dogs may help to maintain continuous physical activity in elderly cardiovascular patients promoting their physical capacity. n n As human and animal physiotherapists we are in a unique situation to be able to kill two birds with one stone so to speak, and improve the quality of life of both the human and the animal. Less McDonald’s (or Pal) and more fun in the sun I say! n n Brooke Marsh, APA Animal Physiotherapist n Chair, Animal Physiotherapy Group |