Buddha back on his legs…

n This is a great shot and makes me happy.  It can take so much effort to get to the point of the simple thing in life of holding a head up and smiling.  Buddha has been through so much in the last few months with 2 spinal surgeries in his neck.  He had...

Integrative acupuncture course

I spent another fabulous 3 days finishing off an integrative acupuncture course over the weekend. This oriental acupuncture course is providing me with great tools to further enhance the healing of our 4 legged (and 2 legged friends). It was a course for...

Rani in her wheels….

This was just great to see…. n http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXiZHIYNbYQnn n Rani is a beautiful German Shepherd. I have known this dog since she was little and got used to seeing her down at sunrise beach for her morning romp.  Unfortunately as it happens...